Norwegian Wood & the smell of teenage love

4 min readJan 23, 2023

words resembling the beauty of the Murakami universe

The world of Murakami is filled with precious elements of reality and detailed observation. While reading Norwegian Wood I was taken aback by the translated world of teenagers, culture and a pocket playlist for every situation.

Norwegian Wood is a time wheel where everyone starts and ends their journey — walking with Watanabe. Every character holds different values for life and objectives in their own discovered senses. Every persona existing in the novel has unique elements, aura and self-believes to live and cherish life.

This novel clenches and beautifies the world of teenage and their huddles of life. There is always something so serene and painful in the verse of Murakami. When I read Murakami’s perfection, I can’t comprehend every single emotion in words. The imperfect world let us build our perfect illusions and that’s what makes this novel — a piece of art.

A reader won’t find the plot twists or something unreal but the sense of portraying a story that can distort your heart — is a well-known art form of Murakami’s verse.

Sensual, admiring and real-life dotted details — that’s the substance I look for reading any novel.

The first novel I read by him was After the Quake. I was too stunned to inhale every word and every story had the power to differentiate between and lead to different parallel worlds of imagination.

I won’t be describing the layout or plot of Norwegian Wood but I would tell you that you won’t be disappointed by the search for the characters and their struggles with love and choices.

Every character resonates with something beautiful, that is right here — present in between and around us, holding and trying up to the best.

The rush to hold onto everything we believe and know, the rush of reality hitting us daily with its unexpected and surreal terms and the death living as part of life that often forget is the calmest smell you will feel while reading Norwegian Wood.

You need to be humble and grateful for anything and everything happening around you. The real lenses in your eyes are opened by something you think you will hold onto for a lifetime but the moment you lose it and realise that it will stay in your mind and will never come back alive in the future from now onwards — is the pain and form of understanding that makes you an adult.

The illicit affair of our mind and heart in our teenage years makes us impulsive decision-makers throughout our lifetime while holding and choosing the best is what adulting does to us. You only — in the end, have to choose something that will do good in the future — and this is what you can feel thoroughly while reading the novel.

My novel moments were when I choose to read this piece of art.

The novel is pure art of conversation — the endless great conversation about pop culture, people, minds, nature and slice of life. The self-introspection & light of reality — this all made me fall in love with it more.

The real joy is how simple, subtly sad everything is.

- Every human needs a Midori in their life — who dares to say everything independently that we all never had the balls to say out loud in every form of our existence.

Life doesn’t require ideals. It requires standards of actions

I am no one to choose the best lines from the novel but here are some — I would love to present the beautiful conversations between the characters

Did you ever run away from home, Watanabe?NeverWhy not?Lack of imagination. It never occurred to me to run away.

If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking. That’s the world of hicks and slobs. Real people would be ashamed of themselves for doing that. You and I are the only real ones in this dorm. The other guys are crap.

I wanted to begin a new life where I didn’t know a soul.

There are many conversations questioning everything and giving you some real insights you might need in your current life but for that, You need to read it on your own.

this is the 2nd draft of the gauri with a slice of life. let’s see where it lands or ends.

here’s the takeaway: you will regret everything when you start to pause and overthink but you will learn to live it when you will realise — maybe that was the best decision you took at that moment.

hope you are somewhere connected to it.




Writer ♥ Humanity is only sense we need to keep in our minds. I write about the things makes me anxious & wonder