Nefertiti — the lady who left the world stunned about her existence

4 min readMar 17, 2023

Throughout history, we know little about female rulers, but Nefertiti was a notable female ruler of ancient Egypt. This article focuses solely on one of the most phenomenal women of her time.

'Photo by Shreyas Nair on Unsplash

History has the power to change our mindset, and it’s essential to recognize that women’s empowerment is not a new concept. Although we may perceive the 1980s-90s as the beginning of the revolution, examples of powerful women exist throughout history, often hidden within myths and stories and grounded within the passage of time.

Nefertiti, who lived over 3000 years ago, is one such example. She remains famous for the many unanswered questions surrounding her existence. Despite being a prominent queen, her story is shrouded in mystery, and little is known for sure.

Why Nefertiti is so famous ?

Nefertiti, the queen of ancient Egypt, was born in Thebes, the capital city of Egypt. Her name means “the beautiful one has come,” and her legacy as one of the most famous and powerful queens of ancient Egypt has endured to this day.

At the age of around 15, Nefertiti married Pharaoh Akhenaten, and together they had six daughters. During her reign, Nefertiti, alongside her husband, Pharaoh Akhenaten, initiated a revolutionary religious movement that changed the Egyptian belief system from the worship of many gods to the monotheistic worship of one god, Aten. This marked a significant shift from the traditional religious practices of Egypt and laid the foundation for the religious beliefs of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Nefertiti played a key role in the construction of this city and supervised the building of her own palace.

Nefertiti’s influence also extended to the political arena. She was a powerful and influential queen, whose position and status were equal to that of her husband, a unique feature in ancient Egyptian society. Her statues, including the famous limestone statue of Akhenaten and Nefertiti embracing, depicted her as an equal to her husband, an unconventional representation in ancient Egyptian art.

Nefertiti with her husband

This was a significant departure from traditional Egyptian art, which usually depicted the pharaoh as larger and more dominant than any other figures in the scene.

The revolutionary artistic style of Akhenaten and Nefertiti’s reign was not limited to statues, but also extended to reliefs and paintings. These works often depicted scenes of everyday life, such as people fishing, playing music, or dancing. The depictions of women and children were particularly striking, as they were often shown in realistic poses and engaged in everyday activities, rather than being relegated to the background or shown in rigidly formal poses.

The artistic style of the Amarna period, as it is known, was not universally embraced, and some of the more conservative elements in Egyptian society rejected it as decadent and unorthodox. Nevertheless, the legacy of this artistic revolution is enduring, and its influence can be seen in subsequent periods of Egyptian art.

In conclusion, Nefertiti and Akhenaten’s revolutionary artistic style represented a significant departure from the traditional formality of Egyptian art. The couple’s embrace statue, in particular, was a striking depiction of intimacy and equality between a pharaoh and his queen. Their artistic innovations paved the way for greater naturalism and realism in Egyptian art, and their legacy continues to inspire and captivate people around the world.

The life of Nefertiti, the enigmatic queen of ancient Egypt, is shrouded in mystery, from her birth to her death, and continues to captivate people’s imagination to this day.

With many scholars debating whether she was a commoner or the daughter of a famous king or pharaoh. Some historians have suggested that she may have been a princess from the neighboring kingdom of Mitanni, while others believe that she was a daughter of Amenhotep III, the pharaoh who preceded Akhenaten.

Another mystery surrounding Nefertiti is the iconic statue of her with one eye. Some historians suggest that the missing eye may represent the eye of Horus, a symbol of protection, while others believe that it may have been damaged over time or destroyed intentionally by those who opposed Akhenaten’s religious revolution.

After the death of Akhenaten, Nefertiti is thought to have ruled Egypt anonymously alongside her son, Tutankhamun. Some historians believe that she adopted a male persona and ruled as a pharaoh, further breaking with traditional gender norms in ancient Egyptian society.

But why she is relevant in present times ?

Nefertiti is known for her iconic bust, which was discovered in 1912 by a German archaeologist named Ludwig Borchardt. The bust is made of limestone and is believed to have been created around 1345 BC. It depicts Nefertiti with a graceful and elegant neck, a high cheekbone, and full lips. Her headdress, called the Nefertiti cap crown, is adorned with an uraeus, a symbol of royalty, and the vulture and cobra, symbols of Upper and Lower Egypt.

In conclusion —

Nefertiti’s story may be ancient, but it remains relevant today. Her legacy represents the power of women in leadership, and her enigmatic tale serves as a reminder of the impact that even the most elusive figures can have on history. Despite the lack of clarity and certainty, Nefertiti’s story endures, inspiring and fascinating people across the globe.

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Writer ♥ Humanity is only sense we need to keep in our minds. I write about the things makes me anxious & wonder