How we should deal with burnout?

3 min readAug 14, 2022

Hi there, this side Shivani Yadav. Hope everything is going well, keep fighting & reach your end goal.

As a developer, there are several times when you feel burned out and everything feels harder to achieve. You grow out of possibilities but hang in there with many probabilities. A smaller task gives you so much anxiety that your heart can’t deal with it.

Here are some things I prefer to do when I’m in this state.


The more refined you get, you will realise that every day you need the reset and some unlocked greatness from life and I honestly believe — Meditation is the key.

Meditation is a real art, it's broader than the world’s defined parameters. Your 20 minutes of meditation every day can help your burnout. Practise regularly.

Meditation — Before you learn how to meditate, you must unlearn what you think meditation might be. ~ Idries Shah


When I get burned out from coding and from Linkedin success stories of everyone. I read and analyse the space I’m living in. I try to read that bring out some creative perspective of life and moments. I usually read books that evolve around a slice of life.

I prefer & encourage everyone to read and enhance their knowledge from everywhere. Stories affect our mind more than anything, that’s why reading is important and reading good words is the key.

Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing. — Harper Lee


Walking boosts the body and mind. Walking is the most underrated activity but it is powerful. Walking has numerous benefits including improved blood pressure, and enhanced muscle endurance and energy levels.

Walking gives you the refreshment that you may need after cramming for hours over a simple bug.

In my case, I walk silently for more than 5 minutes without any thought than I about the day’s task and if there’s a bug situation, I start from scratch to think over it.


Improved Sleep can make anything better. The ease with mind work after a good sleep is incomparable. The refreshment you get after putting your mind to sleep is another way of giving your eyes and brain smaller gifts from totally falling apart.

As a developer and learners, everyone should have a proper sleep schedule. Sleep allows the brain and body to slow down and engage in processes of recovery, promoting better physical and mental performance the next day and over the long term. With all these benefits, no one should compromise on rest and sleep.

A healthy lifestyle requires healthy sleep and diet.

Relaxing Activities

When you break out and feel burned out, always go with the activities that give you peace and require lesser questions to the head. It could be watching movies, anime, drawing, reading and so on.

Relaxing activities should be part of your daily routine. It enchants the beauty within ourselves. Work on yourself to reach better possibilities.

Choose yours and dive deep to heal you and your life.

- These are the major activities I prefer when I feel burned out from everything.

  • hope you enjoyed the blog. Suggest to me your ways to get healed.

Much Love & Thank You.
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Writer ♥ Humanity is only sense we need to keep in our minds. I write about the things makes me anxious & wonder